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Home » Educational Services » Astronaut for a Day

Astronaut for a Day

Foundation of the project:

Arouse scientific vocations in children and enhance women participation in science.

Our main objetive is to awake in the younger ones the interest in science and space through different leisure educational activities, so that they may end up studying science in college.

Whom is this for?

  • Showings for Families (Adults and children over 6 years old).
  • Showings for children (from 6 to 12 years old.)

How long is it?

It takes about two hours. (The duration can be adjusted to the necessities of the event.)

What is it?

It is a science event with STEAM activities during which the children will learn about Space Science, the Solar System and the life of astronauts, using different technologies.

An interactive experience, designed for the children to feel like real astronauts.


  • Promote women participation in science.
  • Arouse Science vocations.
  • Learn about Space and our Universe in a different, interactive enjoyable way.
  • Share an activity that will motivate everyone to keep talking and investigating about it.
  • Promote science activities for boys and girls.
  • Learn about astronauts' life.
  • Encourage children to study science careers.
  • Arouse the curiosity for knowledge about space and the planetary sciences.

How the activity works:

During the event:

  • The place will be full of stands, as in a science fair.
  • The children will rotate through all the stands.
  • Each stand will have one or two specialized monitors to explain the activity.
  • We will divide the participants in groups so everyone gets to participate in every stand.

This activity may be complemented with others such as Astronaut Lili's Great Show or Space Exhibitions.


Our methodology is based on:

  • Making science fun is the best way to arouse scientific vocations.
  • While the children get dressed as astronauts, train their muscles or visit the Moon, we introduce complex concepts as topography or the colour and temperature of the stars in a scientific but enjoyable way.
  • Rigorous and clear information, with the vocabulary adapted to the age of the public.
  • Activate creativity and imagination.


(You can choose to have only the stands that best suit the age of the children if there is a limited time.)

  • Stand 1: "I'm an astronaut"


  • Stand 2: “Science and Science Fiction”


  • Stand 3: “Astronauts' Training”

Train Like an Astronaut official training program.


  • Stand 4: “Planetarium"


  • Stand 5: “Augmented Reality ”


  • Stand 6: “Interactive Workshops"


Essential requirements:

  • For the planetary, a 7x7 meters space.
  • 4 tables for the stands.
  • 5 chairs for the kids to dress as astronauts.
  • Multiple plugs for our equipment.
  • Separating posts for the guidance and delimitation of spaces.
  • Our vehicle must access the centre to unload and load the material. During the activity, if the vehicle can not be parked at the centre, we shall park it outside. (If we have to park it outside and the parking is not free, the price of the activity might be increased according to the parking fees of the area.)
  • Mounting time: 2 hours.
  • Disassembly time: 1 hour and a half.

Technical Team:

Technical Team provided by Interplanetary Journey:

  • Astrophysics monitors.
  • Space monitors.
  • Sport monitors. (TAFAD)
  • Coordinator.

How can I get this activity?

Access to HIRE EVENT, full-fill the formulary and we will soon contact you.